Rabu, 02 Juli 2008

How To Increase Traffic To My Site?

This article is for those who are already into Adsense or any other similar advertising program. Or if you own a site or blog and just want to increase the no of visitors on your site or you to promote your site for some social services then you should seriously consider some traffic programs.Interested read on else chect out some other topic that may be of your use.
What are traffic programs?

These are sites that provide visits to your site. It happens when their registered members browse through the direstory of sites listed in the sites. In some cases the members get visitors to their site when they visit some site on the traffic program site.to explain a lil further. Consider you and me are members of a particular traffic program. You have a site listed in this program and I have one too. As members we are required to browse sites and earn points. So you brose my site in do yours to earn some points. These points may be encashed or converted into visits to your site. I hope I have cleared this concept. Lets move to the next question.
Will it adversely affect my sites or Adsense Account?

No. This will not affect your sites reputaion or hamper your advertising programs. Many people ask me " Will My adsense account get banned for using traffic sites?" I have always told them that its only going to help you. I have personally used and still using more than 5 traffic programs and I have been in adsense for two years without ever getiing banned. So take my word for it that these systems are only going to benifit you. To he next question now.

ow will traffic programs help me?

If you are using any advertising platform like Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher, Adbrite, Adster, Bidvertiser, Adds for Indians etc then you must be aware of a term called CTR (click through rates). For those who are new to this term CTR is the ratio of the number of add clicks on your site to the number of page views on your site. If your CTR is high that is if you are not getting enough visitors to your site then you are going to be a black site or not prefered site for advertisers. The CTR of popular sites is below 1. Yes you read it right. Below 1. If you think yours is too high then its high time you considered one of the traffic prgrams given at the end of this page.
There is one more concept I think you will know. Its page popularity. The two major page ranking sites are Google with GPR and Alexa with Alexa Site Rank. These site set standard that show how popular a site in on the world wide web. One of the most important factors is how many links on different other site are pointing to your site. In short how much traffic you get from from other sites. This is where the traffic programs will help you.
Third and the most obvious fact. When your visitors increase then your revenue from the adds will increase too. I dont think I need to elaborate this point. You are smart enough to digest this.

1 komentar:

Misty Realms mengatakan...

I'd like to share my experience with FreeViral to increase traffic. It is good for newcomer to learn better. Just try and don't forget that this is not the end of your learning.