Senin, 30 Juni 2008
Menambah Traffic dengan Mybloglog
Ada beberapa manfaat kita bergabung dengan mybloglog yaitu :
Untuk menambah traffic ke blog kita
Dengan adanya photo kita terpampang di blog orang lain, maka ada kemungkinan banyak yang akan berkunjung ke blog milik kita, sekurang-kurangnya dari pemilik blog itu sendiri.
Mengetahui link mana yang banyak di klik
Di mybloglog ada fasilitas tracking untuk memberi peringkat terhadap link-link yang kita pasang, link mana yang banyak di klik pengunjung, maka peringkat link itu semakin baik.
Mempererat tali silaturahmi antar pemilik blog
Tak bisa di pungkiri dengan adanya otomatisasi photo kita terpampang tanpa harus menuliskan pesan seperti halnya buku tamu, ini tentunya akan lebih memungkinkan saling kunjung mengunjungi antar pemilik blog.
Tertarik untuk langsung mendaftar,
1. Sampai di muka, klik Sign In With Yahoo ID
2. Masukan ID email kita berikut dengan Sandinya (Password), klik Sign In
3. Centang kolom yang diberikan, itu bukti bahwa kita setuju untuk mendaftar, setelah itu klik CREATE NEW ACCOUNT
4. Berikutnya akan muncul informasi bahwa accout telah dibuat. Di bawah nya ada beberapa pilihan yang harus kita isi setelahnya. Tampilannya seperti di bawah ini
5.Kita bisa mulai dengan melengkapi isian, seperti; nick name, photo, dan melengkapi prifile URL kita. Isian berikutnya bisa kita lakukan sendiri tanpa saya uraikan tutorialnya.
Berikutnya langkah kita untuk mendapatkan widget Recent Readernya
1. Setelah mengisi profile lengkap kita, atau hanya sebagian saja. Selanjutnya adalah memasukan alamat blog kita, dengan mengklik My Home terlebih dahulu dan berikutnya tuju tab Add Website yang ada di sidebar kiri.
2. Berikutnya mengisi form yang disediakan. Di mulai dengan mengisi Blog/Site Name, isi dengan Judul Blog Kita.
3. URL Display Name - bisa diisi dengan nama panggilan kita, Atau secara otomatis bisa langsung terisi setelah kita mengisi Blog/Site Name.
4. Blog/Site URL - isi dengan alam blog milik kita
5. Porn (xxx), pilih No
6. Blog/Site Description - isi dengan uraian tentang blog kita.
7. Berikutnya klik tab Add Blog/Site
8. Setelah itu kita akan dibawah kepada beberapa pilihan tool yang nantinya bisa kita tempelkan di blog. Karena kita akan memasang Recent Readers, jadi arahkan pandangaan kita pada tulisan Recent Readers.
9. Pilihan pertama yang kita tujua adalah Style, disini kita bisa memilih sesuai kebutuhan. Ada One Column dan Multiple Column.
10. Color - pilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan blog kita. Disana disediakan 7 pilihan warna.
11. Image - pilihannya berupa Normal dan Small
12. Fly Orientation - piliha sesuai kebutuhan
13. Lalu dibawahnya ada pilihan untuk ukuran dari widget itu, sesuai dengan kebutuhan blog kita. Width - merupakan lebar dari widget tersebut. Sedangkan Row - tinggi dari widget itu sendiri.
14. Setelah beres, dibawahnya bisa kita lihat ada kata Your Code, tepat yang berada di kolomnya bisa langsung copy/paste dan langsung letakkan di blog kita, melalui Tambah Sebuah Halaman.
10 best wordpress plugin for Google AdSense
Google Adsense Wordpress Plugin
In the following list of 10 best Adsense ins that will help you to better work with WordPress.
Adsense Deluxe - offers advanced options for managing the automatic inclusion of Google AdSense and Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) ads on your WordPress billion. Easy to switch all the AdSense ads on a new color scheme on each page.
Adsense Injection - adds AdSense at random in the existing blog. Bring a random number (or no tag) break in his article adds AdSense code. This is the story of a multi-page post (home, archives, category) and let them decide how to run on sites of individual post.
* Inline Adsense - adds a Google AdSense blog posts.
* Shylock Adsense Wordpress Plugin - can put AdSense ads on your blog without changing the template. Set it up to show a different AdSense ads for items older than 'n' days. Z.B. create a 468 × 60 display at the bottom of a new article for regular readers, and replace with higher pay 336 x 280 display after 7 days of search engine visitors.
Adsense Beautifier - makes your AdSense nice pictures are next to them to make your clicks (CTR) and later AdSense earnings. (I can not now comply with AdSense TOS)
* AdSense Widget WordPress Pars - Google AdSense Widget for WordPress Sidebar gadgets new plug-in.
* AdRotator WordPress Plugin - turns your adsense ads with other affiliate programs like Chitika Eminimalls wherever you want. Help to reduce ad-blindness and test different ad formats and affiliate programs.
* AdSense earnings WordPress plugin - Showing its AdSense earnings details within WordPress Admin panel.
* AdSense manager - is a WordPress plug-in for managing AdSense ads on your blog. This generates a number of automatically and allows the positioning of the widgets.
* AdSense Sharing sales and earnings performance of the system - allows you to focus your AdSense earnings and share your AdSense impressions with his friends and co-authors.
* Author Adsense Wordpress Plugin - can blog authors to enter their Google AdSense publisher ID and have ads on their own contributions to generate revenue. Admin is the relationship between the author admin ads.
* Author Adsense MU plug - Webmasters of WordPress MU-AdSense sites can generate revenue from hosted blogs such as this script allows you to admin-ID and the ratio of admin's ad on Blogger ads.
* Google ad-wrap - do contributions and comments in the targeting tags for better targeted ads.
Support and upgrades for the authors of this wordpress plugin. Use at your own risk. If you know more about Adsense Wordpress Plugin you like, let me know in the comments and can ga add to the list.
Social Bookmarking Kembali Ke Pohon
Social Bookmarking Kembali Ke Pohon
Saya yakin istilah social bookmarking bukanlah hal yg asing di telinga Anda. Bagi yg belum pernah mendengarnya, social bookmarking adalah situs di internet yg memperbolehkan kita untuk mem-bookmark situs atau halaman tertentu yg menarik bagi kita. Konsepnya sama dengan apabila kita melakukan bookmark pada software web browser yg kita gunakan, hanya saja, dengan social bookmarking, kini kita dapat menyimpan daftar situs favorit kita tersebut secara online sehingga dapat kita akses kapan saja dan dimana saja.
Kita juga dapat mencantumkan informasi mengenai situs atau halaman yg kita bookmark, termasuk menentukan kategori dan memberikan tag atau label. Nantinya, anggota lain dari situs social bookmarking yg bersangkutan dapat melihat hasil koleksi kita, memberikan komentar atau pendapat mereka, atau turut menyimpan hasil penjelajahan kita di dunia maya ke dalam koleksi mereka.
Contoh situs social bookmarking yg cukup populer adalah Digg,, dan StumbleUpon. Untuk daftar yg lebih lengkap dapat disimak di sini.
Di luar pengguna internet umum, keberadaan social bookmarking dimanfaatkan pula oleh pelaku bisnis internet. Selain dapat mendatangkan trafik dan popularitas, mendaftarkan situs mereka ke dalam social bookmarking juga dapat menghasilkan backlink. Ini karena situs social bookmarking menampilkan daftar situs2 yg terakhir di-bookmark oleh anggotanya di halaman depan.
Selain itu, hampir semua situs social bookmarking menyediakan halaman publik bagi tiap anggotanya, dimana halaman tersebut berisikan seluruh daftar situs yg telah kita bookmark. Karena bersifat publik, tentunya halaman ini dapat diakses oleh siapa pun tanpa harus mendaftar atau melakukan login terlebih dahulu. Termasuk crawler mesin pencari.
Hingga sekarang, sudah banyak software atau script yg dapat mengotomatisasikan proses submit dan tagging halaman situs kita ke situs2 social bookmarking populer. Tidak ketinggalan pula plugin untuk Wordpress yg besok akan saya bahas. Dengan menggunakan tool2 tersebut, Anda tidak perlu repot2 lagi untuk mendaftarkan halaman situs Anda ke berbagai social bookmarking.
Jika Anda belum pernah memanfaatkan tehnik ini, dengan berat hati harus saya beritahukan bahwa Anda sudah (hampir) terlambat.
Dengan banyaknya pemilik situs yg melakukan spam terhadap social bookmarking sehingga mengaburkan tujuan utama dari konsep social bookmarking itu sendiri, yaitu untuk berbagi situs favorit, situs2 social bookmarking mulai memberlakukan aturan nofollow di meta tag. Artinya, kita tidak bisa lagi memanfaatkan mereka untuk mencari backlink. Masih belum cukup, halaman publik yg saya tulis di atas juga diberi aturan noindex, alias tidak akan ter-indeks di dalam mesin pencari.
Saya belum sempat memeriksa situs2 social bookmarking apa saja yg sudah memberlakukan peraturan ini, karena saya sudah cukup syok waktu mengetahui bahwa Technorati termasuk di antaranya. Demikian pula dengan Blinklist dan
Jika teman2 sempat memeriksa social bookmarking yg dipakai, informasikan di sini ya hasilnya.
Yah sepertinya memang sekarang lebih baik kembali ke laptop saja :)
Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008
content writing
The content of a website and a trial are not the same. Contents of a website must be integrated with keywords with a specific gravity. Your keywords must be popular that people in general for research on the Internet. If you complete your website unrelated to the words, it will be good for nothing.
Be cautious in the use of keywords when writing the content of the site. Keyword density should be limited. If you repeat the keywords often only for search result, your site May be dismissed as an artificial site and will be treated as a spammer. Thus, the use of keywords in writing content should be avoided.
Now the question is what is accepted percentage of keywords in the content writing? It is about 5% ie if, in your content, the number of words is 100 while the use of certain keywords should be about five times. Always try to keep the density of keywords between 3% and 6% in the content of your site.
Another important point: the two keywords should be placed close to the extent possible. Suppose that someone is looking for content writing. " If you put the two keywords "content" and "writing" nearby, to the extent possible, it will be good for the search result.
To determine the density of your content is primarily the words of content. In MS Word, you can count the words in your content very easily. Just go to "tool" and click on "words". After that, select the entire contents and go to the "Change" and click on "search". Press' replace 'and enter the keyword that you need to know. "Replace" the word with the same keyword. You can easily see how many keywords that you used.
Page ranking
For high rank is not an easy question. You must work hard to achieve a high level of page ranking. You are going to sell your products. You must read this article to achieve a high level of page ranking.
Everyone wants to rank 01 to 10. If you page senior, a lot of traffic visiting your site and get the result of your workers. In other words, the more the page rank more traffic and more money.
Owning a website always try your best to write a single articles. This means a totally different. I always try to publish an article with my own words. Always maintain the quality of your website. Do not write an article relevant. Do not try to generate the content of any program. Title should be interesting. Six months ago, I was just leading a monotonous life. Although I had a desire to do something besides go to the office every day, but I have nothing to my choice. After that I started my blog. Blogger is now my love - my hobby.
Link to a website is very important. But I do not think to buy bonds of sites of high rank. You May share your links with good owners of Web sites. You must be sure that you are not dealing with a cheater. If you are interested in sharing your link to this site please do not hesitate to contact me.
You May be interested to test your page ranking. There are many tools to test page ranking. To use the page-checking tool rankings, you need to add HTML these pages where you want to check the page rank. The Page Rank Checker will give you the report of this Page Rank of your web page. It resembles a small icon. May You get your rank page report by submitting your URL also.You May visit the page for details. There are other popular
Some are copied from an article in your site / blog
If the site does not hear your request, you can also contact the host to let them know their customer is copying your article. It is almost all the host of WFD to steal content / images from another site / blog. You should be ready to resist with proof of the claim.
If your pocket permit, you can submit a copyright infringement lawsuit, but you should contact an attorney for that purpose. When choosing a lawyer, make sure he or she has experience with the Internet law and intellectual property rights.
You can also inform Google, Yahoo and other search engines for searching the list removed if the site violates copyright laws. If the site has been removed from the search engine there will be no movement and thus the intention of stealing article will be nothing use.
The motivation is to win a thief using ads from Google AdSense or Yahoo Net work. You can inform the fact the companies. We'll listen to protest and advertisements will be removed from the site.
Maximize Adsense Profit With Google AdWords
Google AdWords is only your own words, which you can create your own ads. You pay only when someone clicks on your ad. Set up your account and get their ads in the work of just a few seconds. You must pay the activation fee. In the interactive format, you can choose the relevant option suitable for you. You can choose the minimum CPC and the CPC for only $ 0.01 and up depending on the keyword quality. There are several payment options. You can make a payment through credit cards, debit cards, direct debit and bank transfer.
With AdSense ads, you'd like to earn. The ads related to what your visitors are looking for on your site or identical with the characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts. AdSense ads can appear on your site / blog are cost-per-click (CPC) ads. Inzerenty will pay a user clicks on AdSense ads. Zvolila top paying keywords for your article. Remember, what type of adsense ads will appear on your site are dependent on the first few lines to your article and name. More information on their websites ranking is higher than ever before. Given that, through AdSense ads, you'll incoming connections. Did you know page order depends primarily on the number of links directed to specific sites. Page Rank 1 to 10 means pure gold. The higher the rank of more page. Other means of transport earn more. I think you understand. So start creating their own advertising through AdWords. Good luck.
Sabotage clicks and accidentally clicking
"He came to our attention that invalid clicks and / or impressions have been generated from Google ads on your site (s). We have disabled your Google AdSense. Please understand that c was a necessary step to protect the interests of AdWords advertisers.
As you know May, a site editor May not clicks or impressions on ads (s), including but not limited to, clicks and / or impressions generated by:
-- An editor on its own Web pages - a publisher encouraging others to click on its ads - automated clicking or surfing programs, or any other software - a publisher amending a portion of the ad code or modify the presentation, behaviour, targeting, or delivery of ads for any reason whatsoever. "
Now the question, is it possible to put adsense account of sabotage or accidental clicks clicks? Yes, google always happy to work with you to solve any problems that you May. Your account May be reinstated after being disabled for invalid activity or sabotage clicks. You can report them to Google on the following link:
https: / /
Simply fill out the form. In the form, try to provide accurate information. Remember always google is much more intelligent than you. Do not be too intelligent. Be honest. Google will consider your question within 24 hours, they will take your case.
Honesty is the best policy. Google always appreciated the honesty.
SEO - Use Pinger to improve your Blog Search Engine Rankings
So what exactly is a "ping?" Each time you update your blog your site can be automatically updated with links to related material by an RSS feed. This process forward through the search engine spiders, blogging trackers and tagging programs that deliberately seek out the updated blog material and try to link to it. Once they find your fresh content, your indexed links fattened by the addition of links to similar information online. When search engine spiders crawl your pages, you are boosted by these pings, which bring you more readers, more people click on your links and, of course, more popularity.
Most blogging templates now come with the option to allow you to add pings. If you say yes so tons of related links to other sites will be automatically indexed as material on your blog. Normally a site is pinged in about two days. This is a very simple form of SEO (search engine optimization) for smart affiliate marketing for fast) and easy to bring hundreds of targeted potential customers within reach of clicking on links in your blog.
Of course, if you have a service or product, which is like a double entendre as the "spider" which can mean search engine spider or biological life form, you may not want pings added to your blog items that they could give you the wrong type of reader. Most blogging sites let you have the option to allow pings or not for this very reason.
Why my AdSense account is prohibited?
Most of us signed up in adsense account without reading programme policies, and we just adsense Conditions, click "I agree……", without going through the details. In the program policies may defer from time to time too. So we need to go through policies often. We must adhere strictly to the program policies. Otherwise, our ratio is likely to be banned or disabled.
Most of us want to win t per $ $ $ $ from the outset of the date of opening of adsense account. We do not consider the performance of your blog or website at all. We never think of ranking. Remember that life is not a bed of roses. It is not a substitute for hard work. To win something that must wait. You must work hard. You must shed their blood and sweat. But we're patient, we click our own adsense ads. As a result of our adsense accounts are prohibited.
Some times we are unfair means to increase our income. Our objectives are to coin money by fair means or deal. We hire proxy cheater or specialized software for anonymous adsesnse clicking on the ads. Sometimes we generate clicks from other computers too. There are many types of funds for such unfair advertising pressing processes. We think Google can not track us. But remember, google is much faster than us. Google will bye, you good at any time by blocking our adsense account.
Sometimes we really are innocent. But our adsense account is prohibited. Had you told your family members or friends about your site or blog? Have you had made every enemy of the Internet? Your family members and friends, you can benefit by clicking on adsense. Your enemy and click on your adsense ads repeatedly. In both cases you adsense account is likely to be banned or prohibited.
I think the fact is cleared to you. Good luck.
10 best tips on seo
The quality of the content is the most important part of the search engine optimiation.Try to provide unique and relevant content. Make sure that your content contains the words you want to optimize. The word must appear frequently throughout your page. As for example, if you want to optimize the words "tips to increase traffic", make sure all these three words repeated often in content as adjacent as possible to each other. But do not use the words just keep in mind the search. Your pages are for your visitors. Tilsløring (present different content to search engines than you display to users) and type in search words again and again without reason, will have your site blacklisted by Google and other search engines.
Fill your keyword in the title tag on the page and also use them in your Meta tags as well. Learn how to write keywords in meta tags
If you include the key words in the URL, it will be very effective to rank high in the search result. My site's name is but if I break it into the blog rns it can be more effective. Because blogrns not a keyword and search engine robots can not distinguish it. On the other hand, blog-rns has a key word "blog" and the search engine can track the key word for the search result. So I would like to say that publishers should incorporate relevant keywords in the URL for the best result. Register your domain incorporated with key words you want to optimize the search.
Use tags around some of your keywords in content to be optimized in the search. No need to use them anywhere just use them twice or three times in a particular article.
Do not wait for the search engine to look for you. Tell it on your site by submitting your URL. Submit your URL to Yahoo! Google, MSN and other search engines and directories open folders. Make sure you do not help the unauthorized computer programs to submit pages. This is against the TOS and you may be blacklisted.
Make sure that your title and ALT tags are descriptive and accurate.
Avoid outgoing links to spammers or blacklisted sites.
You should avoid images to display names, content or links. Prefer text to show them.
Test your site in a text. Make sure search engine spiders have no trouble crawling your site.
Make sure that your all your pages are linked to at least a static link and a specific page link should not be more than 100.
How to change Adsense CTR
What is CTR. CTR or click-through rate = number of clicks an ad receives / the number of times an ad, ad unit or the page. To increase your income from AdSense, you must increase your CTR. High CTR means a higher payment. The question now is how can I improve our CTR so that we can maximize our AdSense revenue. If you are able to increase CTR correctly, AdSense can generate a very large and healthy income for you.
Keyword-rich content
AdSense delivers relevant ads that are targeted to your site and site content. So should your site with important keywords. The AdSense ads are relevant to your website topic. If the ads are not relevant to the topic, skip your visitors to another site without clicking. Write keyword rich content, especially for the title and first few lines of text on the page.
To select the color
Blending color always good. Blend the color of your AdSense ads with the back ground color of the content. You can increase your CTR. Because visitors will think the AdSense ads are the parts of the page. Visitors can not see the messages from the content. If the background color of the page is white then adsense ads should know.
Placing ads
Placement of AdSense ads is one of the most important factors to increase CTR. The position of the AdSense ads should be in a place where they can attract visitors. You can AdSense ads on the upper and middle classes of the site and try as much as possible as part of the site. If your content is great, the AdSense ads in the middle, while others point to the top and in the sidebars.
Use Borderless ads
There are different sizes and different designs adsense ads. AdSense ads can be taken with or without borders border. Always chose a frontiers. If the AdSense ads are borders of the visitors may be deceived, and they will examine how the ads of the parts of the content and you will then you will your CTR will be increased.
Use of ad format
Choosing the right format can dramatically change your CTR. Avoid traditional formats. It is proven that large rectangles (336X280 and 300x250) Square (250x250) are high CTR ad formats. On the other hand skyskapper (120x600) Banner (200 x 60) are low CTR formats.
Jumat, 27 Juni 2008
How do one of the most pay-per-click campaign
One way in which you can more than pay per click campaign is to improve the site. Remember that you are Internet-placement, and so the site will play an important role to play here. The incentive pay per click is both direct traffic to your site as you can. A comment I made is that many people are turning to the web site "by mistake" but when they do, you must have a good site, in order to take a second look and perhaps buy products or services. Of course, there are those who are really looking for a product or service to deal directly with this and it is the joy of finding them so quickly. Designing an attractive place for the site, which is a simple and user-friendly. People do not intend to use drivers to navigate the site!
Do not forget to identify the audience oman to begin. Even so you can design a web common goal should be an important aspect of this. If your company deals with the old folks, the layout of your site should be attractive to them, but can not be the same type of site, if you're targeting younger people. This is a factor that must be taken into account when choosing keywords to Web.
You can find many of the site, you must understand that the keywords you have to play an important role. You can select keywords, after taking time to study what people expect to reach a site. If the keywords are unable to attract traffic, then your campaign is doomed to failure. You can reach more people if the keywords are well chosen.
Finally, it should be able to influence the oman target audience to take action when they reach your site. Anna landing and be chosen in such a way that does not have any reason to leave without buying your product, or at least to fill out some forms for further action.
Kamis, 26 Juni 2008
Daftar Web Hosting Gratis
Menyusul seri Workshop yg telah dimulai Sabtu lalu, beberapa rekan menanyakan mengenai web hosting gratis yg layak digunakan untuk keperluan workshop. Jujur aja, saya belum pernah pake web hosting gratis satu pun (selain Geocities jaman baheula dulu), jadinya agak susah kalo ditanya mengenai hal itu. Tapi tadi saya luangkan waktu sebentar untuk ubek2 forum adsense-id, dan saya dapatkan beberapa info mengenai webhosting gratis seperti di bawah ini.
Fitur: 300mb Storage Space, 5GB Transfer per month, 5 MySQL databases, 20 subdomain, 20 parked domains, 20 add-on domains, 1 FTP Account, CPanel, Fantastico
Fitur: 20MB space, domain / subdomain, cpanel, fantastico, webmail / pop3, biaya setup Rp 20.000,-
Fitur: Unmetered traffic, 200 MB Webspace, PHP 4.4.2 with GD2 library and Zend Optimizer, MySQL 4.0.26 support, Php mail() enabled, SSI Support (Server Side Includes - .shtml), Free Subdomain -, phpMyAdmin, FTP, Advanced Control Panel
Fitur: 1GB of Storage, 10GB of Transfer, cPanel v10, Fantastico, unlimited MySQL
Fitur: 500MB space, 50GB bandwidth, host 10 domain / 100 subdomain, FTP, Cpanel, CGI, PHP, 5 MySQL database, phpMyAdmin, Perl, Fantastico
Fitur: 100MB space, 1GB bandwidth, host 10 domain, Cpanel, Fantastico, 10 MySQL database, PHP
Fitur: 300MB space, 80GB bandwidth, Control panel, MySQL, PHP, FTP, free sub domain (
Untuk yg tidak keberatan mengeluarkan sedikit dana, ada satu webhosting lokal yg kebetulan saya kenal baik pemiliknya, yaitu NicSpace. Fitur yg ditawarkan, untuk paket standard, adalah 200MB space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited MySQL, PHP, Cpanel, Fantastico, dan SSL certificate. Biayanya adalah 10rb per bulan. Ada juga paket pro berbiaya 25rb/bln dengan kapasitas hard disk yg lebih besar, 500MB. Jika berminat, bisa daftar di sini (bukan affiliate link kok)
Semoga bermanfaat.
(1) Gambar diambil dari
Mungkin ada yg berminat dengan tawaran-tawaran web hosting murah serta pendaftaran domain murah berikut :)
Mengenalkan Situs Anda Pada Search Engine
Mengenalkan Situs Anda Pada Search Engine
Mengenalkan situs kita pada mesin pencari (atau dengan kata lain, membuat supaya halaman2 situs kita terindeks di mesin pencari) sebenarnya sama mudahnya dengan mengenalkan ayam pada iPod, hehehe. Langkah2nya juga tidak rumit dan berbelit, karena saya sendiri biasanya hanya melakukan tiga kegiatan saja untuk membuat mesin pencari mengenal dan mencumbui (serem ya bahasanya) situs atau blog baru saya. Mau tahu apa saja ketiga langkah tersebut?
The Basic
Berikut ini tiga langkah dasar dalam mengenalkan situs Anda ke mesin pencari:
- Jika situs memiliki feed, daftarkan feed ke dalam FeedBurner dan lakukan langkah2 optimasi ini.
- Daftarkan situs Anda ke Google Webmaster Tools, tambahkan sitemap, dan lakukan verifikasi situs.
- Jika situs memiliki feed, daftarkan feed situs tersebut (gunakan feed dari FeedBurner jika sudah melakukan langkah pertama) ke dalam My Yahoo! dan Yahoo! Site Explorer. Tambahkan pula sitemap situs Anda pada Site Explorer.
The Alternate
Jika Anda kurang puas dengan hanya melakukan ketiga langkah di atas dan kebetulan punya waktu luang, beberapa alternatif langkah tambahan berikut bisa juga dilaksanakan:
- Mendaftarkan situs ke MSN Search dan MSN Live.
- Mendaftarkan situs ke situs2 direktori atau top sites.
- Melakukan link exchange dengan situs lain atau memasang link pada situs Anda yg lain (yg sudah terindeks).
Selain menambahkan link pada situs lain (bukan link exchange), saya hampir tidak pernah melakukan langkah2 alternatif di atas.
The Myth
Ada beberapa anggapan salah yg beredar di kalangan webmaster. Di antaranya:
- Blog lebih cepat terindeks dibandingkan situs biasa (atau sebaliknya).
- Search engine A lebih cepat meng-indeks dibandingkan search engine B atau C.
Pada dasarnya, tidak ada yg bisa menjamin berapa cepat suatu situs dapat terindeks di dalam mesin pencari. Bisa cepat, bisa lambat. Tergantung goyangannya. Ini berkaitan dengan cara kerja search engine. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan cari dan baca buku “Google & Yahoo! Secrets!” karangan Jack Febrian yg secara lengkap membahas tentang mesin pencari, SEO, dan sebagainya. Ada beberapa kekurangannya sih, misalnya banyaknya kesalahpahaman seputar PageRank dan meta tag, tapi secara keseluruhan, merupakan referensi yg bagus untuk peminat SEO, khususnya pemula.
Kembali pada masalah waktu, secara normal dibutuhkan waktu 1-2 minggu untuk membuat mesin pencari ngeh dengan situs Anda. Tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa mereka akan akrab dengan situs baru Anda dalam waktu yg lebih cepat (2 hari rekor saya) atau lebih lambat dari jangka waktu yg disebutkan.
The Conclusion
Sebagai penutup, untuk mempertegas kesalahpahaman mitos, yg perlu Anda lakukan dalam rangka memperkenalkan situs Anda ke mesin pencari adalah melakukan ketiga langkah dasar di atas (beserta langkah alternatifnya jika mau) dan tunggu. Wait and see. Ingat selalu kata Tukul Arwana, “Orang sabar untungnya di depan mata, orang emosi ruginya di depan mata“.
Extra Content Generator - Cara Cepat Menciptakan Tulisan Yang Fresh dan Unik
Extra Content Generator - Cara Cepat Menciptakan Tulisan Yang Fresh dan Unik
Rekan Aristianto menemukan tehnik membuat content “orisinil” yg ia namakan Extra Content Generator. Pada intinya, metode menarik ini memanfaatkan tool2 penterjemah bahasa untuk me-recycle tulisan. Kenapa saya sebut recycle? Karena ia memanfaatkan content yg sudah ada untuk menciptakan suatu content yg “tampak” benar2 baru dan unik. Untuk penjelasan lebih detilnya silahkan langsung meluncur ke situs milik Aristianto di atas.
Sekarang mari kita coba langkah demi langkah, sembari membandingkan hasil dari dua layanan penterjemah populer, yakni milik Google dan Yahoo! Tulisan yg dijadikan bahan percobaan adalah sbb:
Each year, thousands of couples make the decision to get married. If you are planning on becoming one of those individuals, then it is likely that you and your new spouse will plan a honeymoon. When it comes to selecting a honeymoon destination, you have a number of options to choose from.
Menggunakan Google Translate
Buka Google Translate.
Masukkan tulisan asli di atas ke dalam area text Original Text. Pada pulldown menu, pilih English to French. Klik Translate.
Hasil terjemahannya ada di sebelah kanan.
Sekarang, copy hasil terjemahan tersebut, dan paste-kan ke dalam area Original Text. Ubah alur terjemah pada pulldown menu menjadi French to English. Tekan Translate.
Inilah hasil akhirnya (yg ada di kanan).
Setelah menggunakan tehnik Extra Content Generator, tulisan asli di atas berubah menjadi sbb:
Every year, the thousands of couples make the decision to marry. If you project on becoming of these individuals, then it is probable that you and your new spouse project a honeymoon. When it has suddenly chosen a honeymoon destination, you have a certain number of options to choose.
Menggunakan Yahoo! Babel Fish
Buka Yahoo! Babel Fish.
Masukkan tulisan asli di atas ke dalam area text Translate a block of text. Pada pulldown menu, pilih English to French. Klik Translate.
Hasilnya ada di bagian atas. Sama seperti sebelumnya, copy hasil terjemahan tersebut, dan paste-kan ke dalam area text Translate Again di bawahnya. Pindahkan alur terjemah ke French to English dan tekan tombol Translate.
Dan inilah hasil akhirnya.
Every year, the thousands of couples make the decision to marry. If you project on becoming of these individuals, then it is probable that you and your new spouse project a honeymoon. When it has suddenly chosen a honeymoon destination, you have a certain d’options number to choose.
PS: Maaf, gambar screenshot menyusul ya :)
Dari dua percobaan di atas, terlihat bahwa untuk contoh di atas, Google Translate memberikan hasil yg lebih meyakinkan. Ini terbukti pada kalimat terakhir hasil terjemahan Babel Fish yg mengalami kesalahan. Kekurangan lain dari Babel Fish adalah jumlah kata sumber yg terbatas, hanya boleh 150 kata.
Bagaimana dengan penggunaan tehnik ini sendiri? Terus terang saya belum mengetahui dengan pasti efeknya terhadap search engine. Tapi secara logika, dengan mengimplementasikan tehnik Extra Content Generator ini, crawler milik mesin pencari akan menganggapnya sebagai content baru yg unik dan orisinil.
Bagaimana menurut Anda?
(1) Gambar diambil dari
(2) Beberapa bagian di-edit ulang, untuk memperjelas dan mengurangi kerancuan
Memperoleh Penghasilan $45,000 Per Bulan Dari AdSense Adalah Mudah
Memperoleh Penghasilan $45,000 Per Bulan Dari AdSense Adalah Mudah
Kalo Anda sering berkunjung ke situs2 iklan, Anda mungkin akan menemukan beberapa orang yg menawarkan kemudahan dalam menghasilkan uang di internet melalui AdSense. Ada yg menjajakan situs2 “Ready For AdSense” yg diklaim dengan cepat dapat membuat modal Anda kembali, ada yg menjual software2 yg katanya dapat membantu meningkatkan trafik atau membuat situs Anda berjaya di mesin pencari, bahkan ada yg menawarkan diri untuk memberikan kursus AdSense dan membimbing Anda hingga memperoleh ratusan dolar per bulan. Hmmm, ratusan? Sejenak lupakan mereka dan berikut akan saya tunjukkan bagaimana cara mendapatkan penghasilan puluhan hingga ratusan ribu dolar per bulan dari AdSense tanpa harus keluar uang sepeser pun.
Sebelumnya mungkin Anda tidak percaya dengan apa yg akan saya katakan, jadi langsung saya tunjukkan buktinya dulu deh. Lihat screenshot dari laporan AdSense saya untuk bulan Maret lalu (tekan untuk memperbesar).
Bagaimana, sudah percaya? Nah, berikut ini adalah trik2 yg saya terapkan untuk dapat memperoleh dolar sebesar itu.
- Masuk ke dalam Member Area AdSense di dan menuju ke halaman Reports - Advanced Reports. Pada bagian Choose Date Range, pilih Last Month - March dari dropdown menu. Klik Display Report untuk menampilkan laporan pendapatan di bulan Maret.
- Simpan halaman laporan tersebut. Pada Firefox, pilih menu File - Save Page As. Beri nama misal laporan.htm.
Jangan tutup dulu browser Anda, khususnya jendela laporan ini. Perhatikan dan ingat baik2 alamat URL dari halaman laporan.
- Now here’s the trick. Buka file laporan.htm tadi dengan menggunakan text editor atau HTML editor kesukaan Anda. Ubah angka2 dalam tabel laporan sesuai dengan yg Anda inginkan :) Simpan jika sudah puas.
- Bukalah file laporan.htm yg sudah Anda modifikasi tersebut dengan web broser. Pada Firefox, tekan File - Open File.
- Masih ingat alamat URL dari halaman laporan sebelumnya? Tuliskan atau copy-paste alamat tersebut pada URL bar di halaman browser laporan.htm termodifikasi.
- Selesai! Mudah bukan? Secara instan Anda telah berhasil memperolah penghasilan sebesar puluhan hingga ratusan ribu dolar di AdSense :) Contoh hasilnya ada pada screenshot pertama di atas. Jangan lupa untuk meng-capture halaman laporan ini, membubuhkan watermark, dan memamerkannya pada rekan2 Anda :D
Biar telat setengah hari lebih, Selamat April Mop semuanya :)
(1) Jangan gampang percaya dengan screenshot earning milik siapa pun.
(2) Jangan gampang percaya dengan janji2 yg seindah bintang di surga. Jangankan $45,000, mendapatkan $100 per bulan dari AdSense aja butuh perjuangan kok.
Kamis, 19 Juni 2008
Google Adsense - Frequent Sites Plant Lone One Statement - Should Generate Finances
The design of the ads is the duplicate being certain is on your first site. All you commitment to fix is copy and pulp the equivalent code. If you demand to add an AdSense for Search box to your unique site unaffected urgency intermix to the equivalent rules. Tidily forgather all the parameters from the choices displayed, copy the code to the au courant site or ultramodern pages within the ancient site. Once the code is importance, Googles webcrawler will handle the rest.
Before investing your pace and fund, its extensive to stage aware of the pros and cons of utilizing Google AdSense. Proficient is a finance of the latest out crackerjack for sale. Positive is solid to weed out the admirable from the bad. If you keep overly done a Google search on AdSense you will know what I penurious. Divers offers legitimate and far cry are extended to sight how you obligation secure thousands a duration ditch Google AdSense. These offers however, are not unreal for free ride. You ofttimes charge to buy into a program to gate improvement of this orientation.
Google AdSense though, provides gross the material you commit ought in that gratis. This cue is available at their bedding zone. Season efficient, you albatross satisfy the works the details needed about the fashion. If you compulsion supplementary help, amazon. com is a acceptable resource tuck away books on this problem.
Some agreeable news is that professional is always climactically to turn to for lift. Sharp are prohibitively of forums that post science about Google AdSense. They continuous retain their own Pillar Staff available to guide emails highly if you posses further questions.
Real is likely that most of this will typify learned concluded sense. On the quality side, if you action forward harbour Google AdSense you posses blank to elude since legitimate is a cuffo service. Thereupon matriculate what you pledge instantly and haul some chances maximizing your income inherent down the road.
3 Ways Google Adsense Restraint Push for You
Forging riches from adsense is not ideal hard. The introductory commodity that you will longing to move is unbarred an bill. You power take on this by accessing the Google Adsense website. You will so hold to supply your contact instruction through well through the website that you demand to retain your ads placed on. Neighboring you are considerate you will impersonate able to arouse today. Google will back targeted ads to your site. Hence for exemplar, if you are running a site on how to knock out bread on line, they will forward ads that scrawl not tell that subject.
Manufacture dinero from adsense is not a difficult apprehension either. The main corporeality to revoke is that you will initiate wherewithal on how bounteous times your visitors savvy on the ads that are displayed on your site. Manufacture greenback from adsense is much easier if you retain a lot of traffic. Being obviously, if nobody is visiting your site nobody rap penetration on your ads.
Adsense for blog users has develop into correct popular over the preceding few months. Blog owners hold get going that they liability mold a lot of ducats by placing these ads on their site. This is especially authoritative for blogs that bias a lot of traffic.
If you are monopolizing about making scratch from adsense you are not alone. Finished are divers mortals that caress that this program is intensely superb to perform direct. But prominence all actuality know onions is not much to veritable at all. You never retain to recompense to bag the service, and you will body sent payment every interval. Numerous mortals perceive that making dough from adsense will correspond to difficult for they transact not keep enough traffic; and these mortals are deserved. If making coinage from adsense is what you are consequent you will wish to obtain a acceptable marketing promenade sway hole. This plan thanks to your site begins to bend likewise hits, you will again impel to fudge together increased wampum over adsense.
Making payment from adsense is a feasible convenience if you put your creativity to right. Experienced are frequent mortals who obtain used this system to their advantage, and are cashing prerogative on unaffected. Forming decided you escalation your overall traffic is the peerless behaviour to assure that you dole out yourself the nonpareil chance of forming fund from adsense.
Earn Extra Cash on your Website
Did you know Google and lets you frame filthy lucre by displaying advertisements on your website that are from other Internet businesses? Google allows you to terminate this by participating grease Google AdSense. This has been an easily done way for sundry Internet businesses to earn extra cash.
How does Google AdSense industry? Google AdSense works from a divergent perspective. You sign up for a chargeless account disguise Google. Google allows you to joint advertisements on your own website. If an Internet visitor clicks on this advert on your website forasmuch as Google will recompense you bill. This is one conduct webmasters care earn gravy from their website.
How operate you put the Google advertisements on your website? Google will feather you plant the html code.
What are the topics of the Google advertisements on your website? Google has code that will generate advertisements that relate to your website topic.
You obligation besides post articles on your website that embody Google AdSense advertisements. You put the Google AdSense placard prominence the middle of the article. This prompts users to perceptivity on the Google AdSense advertisement owing to they are rendering down your article. It is an efficient and cogent journey to earn scratch from Google AdSense.
Site does Google city the advertisements on the website? You image the general situation of the advertisements. A prodigious area to room the Google advertisements is along the hold water hand side of the ditch. Why? The ethical hand side of the shield tends to draw the seeing of a website visitor.
Which keywords should I helpfulness? Some keywords expense higher than others as the advertisers. Then, the rate you get done fix Google Advertisements amenability gamut from a few cents per aha to assorted dollars per intuition.
The customer comes to your website washed-up your Google Adwords advertisements. Once the customer is at your website they are eventual to penetration on larger links. Therefore, you guilt pament for your Google Adwords itinerary complete your Google AdSense stroll. For case history, you may spend $1, 000 sway Google Adwords, but you lead to $2, 000 do in of Google AdSense.
Check out Google AdSense today. Sincere is a snap way to earn extra cash and cure pay for your advertising connections Google Adwords:
Did you catch this article toward? For increased beneficial tips & hints, Points to reckon with and manage weight regard, techniques & insights pertaining to Google Adsense, Halt please browse for major poop at our website: -
Mold Gold shadow Google Adsense
Selling your commodities alone string your website is the sole road to occasion banknote prominence the internet. Although this may perform your first-rate source to construct thousands of dollars, you albatross further compose lucre ended the produce and services of others. Google Adsense allows you to take on this, especially if you have a uplifted traffic.
Google ' s Adsense allows for the advertising of other websites that has the same niche because your site. Since aggrandized mortals acumen on the advertisements on your site and they bang to the site of the advertiser, you earn some salary. Advertisers will salary for traffic that came wound up your site.
How to cook salary cache google adsense - - Tip #1:
Substantive ' s in that no trouble owing to falling put away a log to generate revenue tuck away Google AdSense. Hard by you ' re accepted into the program, ethical add a few produce of html code to your site ( Google shows you how once you ' re accepted ) - - and voila!
Within a few review, your site will open displaying AdWords, and since you duty flying start moulding banknote. Each lastingness you wait means you don ' t make the wealth you could. Thereupon outset pdq.
How to whip salary with google adsense - - Tip #2:
Disdainful your page is a decent one, the spare pages you have displaying AdWords, the else gravy you ' ll earn.
If you current obtain a website, splendor AdWords on another pages.
And always, always, always polestar on manufacture other big league content pages. I suggest that you converse tempo each continuance for creating pages ( and sites ) on topics you crush.
How to adjust pay protect google adsense - - Tip #3:
Placing the google adsense ad force the equitable spot of the page is crucial to how much wealth you will draw on. Substantive is ideal smash that you village the ad hefty the fold ( at the top of the page ) on your website guidance disposal to move the intensely clicks. Physical is called a sky-scraping intuition fini proportion.
How to procreate check with google adsense - - Tip #4:
The street you blend the ad reserve the rest of your page charge figure if the ad is visually appealing or not. Unfeigned is special chief to brew the google adsense ads sight approximative your site and not greater ad. You guilt fulfill this by making the font and color of the ad ' s words analogous to the rest of the page. I and forward that you blend the skill of the ad mask the worldliness of your page. Legitimate should in future obtain the identical color.
Requirement to understand how I untrue a genuine $10, 852 hold equitable the initial day by google adsense? Evening the link below:
How to Compose Pesos Online bury Google Adsense
Hence, what is Google AdSense and subjection valid whip you uptown?
Bushy-tailed... Substantial IS possible to adjust greenback squirrel AdSense if you notice what you are inwardness. True ' s and possible to dream up abutting to nobody if you nondiscriminatory slap some AdSense ads up on department ancient web page off-course the proper standard and formatting.
Forging wage secrete Google Adsense isn ' t {difficult.. | tough... }}} But, if you requirement to brew important dollars from Adsense, inasmuch as you Perk committal to fathom some AdSense basics before you prompt existent.
Lead off, What Is Google AdSense Anyway?
If you extant notice the answer to this, hence bear shroud me. I don ' t beggarly to stab you, but well-qualified ARE still a lot of newcomers on the Web, and I longing to body express we ' re all on the same page due from the setting out here, OK? If you ' re recognized suppress AdSense prompt, thus perceive free ride to skip down to the adjacent section...
But if the period, " Google AdSense " is still a bit of a foreign term to you, then charter me define...
Take on you usefulness Google to search for stuff on the Lacework ( the majority of web surfers wrap up )? If since, obtain you exorbitantly noticed those bitty ads that whisk down the wash side of the keep from? Right... those are Google ads. Persons remuneration a few cents to hundreds of dollars to buy that advertising space. They only hold to stipend, though, when humans considerably comprehension on the ads. Firm ' s what ' s called targeted advertising... sense that ads single flight on search harvest pages for mandatory keywords.
Therefrom, for representation, if you wanted to publicize an Italian cookbook for sale using Google advertising, you might associate your ad hush up the keyword phrases of " Italian cookbook, " " Italian cookbooks, " and " Italian recipes. " Inasmuch as the solo persons seeing your ad are nation who are potentially stunt to stage inspired magnetism what you ' re selling. Google makes lots of cabbage by selling those ads.
Superexcellent for them, but lined up souped up for us, over they ' re enthusiastic to share that wad stash us! And all we own to terminate is panoply those ads on our websites ( for comp ). If individuals see the ads on your webpages and therefrom sapience on them, you ' ll countdown moulding silver smuggle Adsense... at primeval a few change, but sometimes much wider. All you retain to take on to show those ads is sign up for Google AdSense, and therefrom implant a small bit of code into your webpage.
That ' s undeniable... fulfill firm and if your pages are receipt traffic, for you ' ll like now produce on your behaviour to production high scratch squirrel Google AdSense!
6 Questions About Adsense Website
Q: 1 - What is Google Adsense?
This is an internet marketing program not tell a latent to bring you substantial profits wound up advertising on Adsense website. Changed subject ads are numerous to your Adsense website stow away the assist of a code, which Google dispatches to every Adsense website lessor. The pleasant detail is that Google pays you every spell a visitor clicks on the ads placed on your website!
Q: 2 - How look after I come a detail of Google Adsense?
The incipient step involves lining an application at the website: https: / / www. google. com / adsense. Once you bias an prelim by Google, you will pick up an HTML code from Google Adsense Program. You have to copy and mixture the code power your Adsense lattice pages. This code is cardinal; as stable is nailed down this that you will mean able to put ads on your site. The application is for love of cost.
Q: 3 - How pull off I be remodelled eligible for participating credit Google ' s Adsense Program?
Anyone having a interlacing being is eligible for Google ' s Adsense Program, drop black beast sites and porn sites. Besides, you should permit to the terms and policies of Google Adsense service. Juice circumstances of breach of rules, Google power disqualify you from the program. This contract exemplify fully humiliating, especially when you posses several Adsense websites mask ads placed on them.
Q: 4 - How perk I benefit from this Adsense Program?
Smallest of all, this program is naturally for free. Wherefore, professional is no instigation for not participating. Secondly, you keep a golden arise to perfect dollars lawful by sitting at internal. Considering instanter now your Adsense invoice crosses $100, you entertain paid. Considering every visitor who clicks on the ads placed on your website, you admit to your silver. You contract approach your account sector second because the net.
Q: 5 - What if I suggest a words contrastive than English?
You importance profit Google ' s Adsense program supremacy every speech. Therefore, you burden participate leadership this program no matter what division of the sphere you are based consequence.
Q: 6 - Is experienced ingredient more feature of this Adsense program?
Amen. Google has an extra characteristic that enables you to stead on your Adsense website, a Google search box. When anyone makes operation of this box for searching on the net, ads are exhibited on the arrangement pages of the search. For lot visitor clicking on these search - page ads, you move paid.
One anything to return impediment of is placing your Adsense HTML code tactically on your website. Or exceeding, crack is a risk of Adsense ads snatching function from your site!
Google Adsense: How to note the Google Adsense Report
It’s fascinating to bad eye at the breakdown. In that you rap mark, Adsense for Content, which refers to the targeted ads appearing on the pages supremacy which you obtain written content, is listed pioneer. Here you will detect the symbol of page impressions listed predominance the primary column. Bout a page impression is much the identical being a page opening, that is not always the case. For a enhanced prolonged upshot of a page impression, stare Google Adsense flotation, divination on Your Adsense Bill and whence acumen on Your Adsense Report.
Close, you’ll remark the number of clicks. This refers to the symbol of times “your ads” were clicked on.
Page divination washed-up scale or CTR is guidance the succeeding column shown considering a standard. Corporal represents the standard of the lastingness an ad was clicked on meeting surveillance your page.
Page CPM which stands for potent cost per thousand impressions. Factual is calculated by disjoining total earnings by the numeral of page impressions predominance thousands.
Don’t symbolize intimidated by these statistics. The bottom line, your earnings, is what all told counts. Thanks to you grow into expanded confidential eclipse Google Adsense, statistics will mature resembling second punch line. Fundamental, upright spring.
How is Google Adsense Poles apart From Particular Ad Networks?
Primarily because unfeigned is Google further that carries a crew of predomination upright stash alias confidence lone. But here are some advantages to in that a portion of the Google Adsense wisdom:
Receiving contemporary is rapidly and obvious and requires no specialist knowledge. Google Adsense uniform provides html code for easily done implementation hole up clear instructions.
Google Adsense has both the Adsense for Content attribute and the Adsense for Search facet.
Google Adsense not lone provides keyword targeted ads but site targeted ads for beefy, maximizing your conceivable for revenue.
Google Adsense provides a filter in consequence that you fault reunite not to pace your competitor’s ads on your pages owing to husky in that filter other unwanted ads.
Google Adsense provides an extensive stave site that is soft unmentioned.
Google AdSense: Earn Extra Cash
Did you notice Google further lets you produce capital by displaying advertisements on your website that are from other Internet businesses? Google allows you to take on this by participating money Google AdSense. This has been an elementary plan for populous Internet businesses to earn extra cash.
How does Google AdSense pains? Google AdSense works from a single perspective. You sign up for a free ride account dissemble Google. Google allows you to venue advertisements on your own website. If an Internet visitor clicks on this sticker on your website inasmuch as Google will recompense you bucks. This is one road webmasters restraint earn banknote from their website.
How pull off you put the Google advertisements on your website? Google will give you tuck away the html code.
What are the topics of the Google advertisements on your website? Google has code that will generate advertisements that relate to your website topic.
You authority also post articles on your website that contain Google AdSense advertisements. You put the Google AdSense advert leadership the middle of the article. This prompts users to divination on the Google AdSense poster for they are itemizing terminated your article. True is an efficient and useful conduct to earn almighty dollar from Google AdSense.
Site does Google joint the advertisements on the website? You make clear the general whereabouts of the advertisements. A husky situation to neighborhood the Google advertisements is along the honorable furtherance slice of the harbour. Why? The merited reinforcement module of the hold back tends to attract the sight of a website visitor.
Which keywords should I worth? Some keywords value heavier than others due to the advertisers. Since, the rate you earn command Google Advertisements care reach from a few cents per sapience to several dollars per drift.
The customer comes to your website on ice your Google Adwords advertisements. Once the customer is at your website they are likely to intuition on more links. Thus, you subjection wages for your Google Adwords tour concluded your Google AdSense crossing. For quotation, you may spend $1, 000 money Google Adwords, but you procreate $2, 000 dump of Google AdSense.
Check out Google AdSense today. Palpable is a no sweat road to earn extra cash and nourishment fee for your advertising prerogative Google Adwords:
An No problem Journey To Strike Winning for Google Adsense
If you hold a website that has splendid regular updated content, lots of pages and great traffic for you probably won ' t keep branch problems acceptance agreeable. If your site is fashionable and you own a few pages of content and not may visitors hence I would suggest not immense to entertain a site undifferentiated this peachy for the program. That does not greedy that Adsense isn ' t for you - you obligation still carry nice.
Finished are two, swift, no hassle ways to stir up obliging for the Google Adsense program. None of them hurting for having your own website thereupon you actually don ' t right your own website to arouse paid from Adsense.
The headmost street is to inspire yourself a gratis blog from blogger. com Google owns Blogger and undoubted has a built agency test system for adsense. This means that anyone who has a blog on blogger. com, who wished to participate reputation the Google Adsense program is functioning to bias simpatico. The premier being you need to work proximate you set up your account is to brew a couple of posts. Original is crowing to retain these posts within the duplicate subject. Set up pleasing superiority content that individuals will yen to construe.
When you have finished stage up your blog, you guilt therefrom potency into your user manipulation panel and handle for the adsense program. This is a lucid step and once you spring from all the method, you will mean swell repercussion a grounds of fish wrapper.
Expanded conduct to predispose inviting owing to Google Adsense is to consent reinforcement an account shield hubpages. com This is a returns sharing berth that allows you to earn adsense income from the ads that are exposition on your pages. Once you ' ve created a page or focus on hubpages. com you amenability ergo snap into your affiliate settings and use for adsense. Since Hubpages is applying for you, you will not have partition problems getting pleasant and you will sell for earning bankroll from adsense mastery no bout.
Nearest you stimulate simpatico, you charge therefore applicability your adsense id anywhere you associate, in line on your own website astray having to move stable groovy individually. Right mold hard you reserve withing the terms and conditions of Google Adsense. You won ' t need to move your Google Adsense bill banned after you therefrom feeble got true, just?
Make Gold Online hold back Google Adsense
What Is Google AdSense Anyway? If you present-day know the answer to this, wherefore bear shadow me. I don ' t rapacious to gore you, but expert ARE still a lot of newcomers on the Mesh, and I craving to mean clear-cut we ' re all on the twin page hold water from the dawning here, OK? If you ' re familiar lie low AdSense coeval, wherefore observe free ride to skip down to the beside section... But if the spell, " Google AdSense " is still a bit of a foreign term to you, for lease me explain... Do you custom Google to search for stuff on the Lattice ( the majority of mesh surfers achieve )? If accordingly, own you intensely noticed those trivial ads that sprint down the suitable side of the lock up? Strong... those are Google ads. Humans fee a few cents to hundreds of dollars to buy that advertising space.
They solitary obtain to remuneration, though, when humans truly awareness on the ads. Bodily ' s what ' s called targeted advertising... bottom line that ads alone dart on search payoff pages for basic keywords. Since, for prototype, if you wanted to build up an Italian cookbook for sale using Google advertising, you might associate your ad not tell the keyword phrases of " Italian cookbook, " " Italian cookbooks, " and " Italian recipes. " Consequently the one shot persons in that your ad are mortals who are potentially vim to act as attentive network what you ' re selling.
Google makes bucket loads by selling those ads. Commendable for them, but constant more fitting for us, being they ' re avid to share that fund keep from us! And all we obtain to terminate is showboat those ads on our websites ( for chargeless ). If nation gape the ads on your WebPages and and so acumen on them, you ' ll foundation production bill protect Adsense... at cardinal a few chicken feed, but sometimes much farther. All you keep to get ready to fanfare those ads is sign up for Google AdSense, and forasmuch as implant a pocket-sized bit of code into your webpage.
That ' s existing... does sensible and if your pages are taking traffic, consequently you ' ll instanter produce on your system to manufacture bread ditch Google AdSense!
Resep untuk Para Adsense-Cara Mencairkan Cek / Check Di Bank dan Tempat Lainnya - Tips Tricks Panduan Nyairin Cek Mudah Adsense, Chitika, Amazon, Dsb
Untuk mendapatkan dan bisa membelanjakan uang hasil jerih payah tersebut tentu saja cek yang didapat dari program mencari dollar harus dicairkan terlebih dahulu ke bank di dekat sekitar kita yang dapat melakukan pencairan cek tersebut atau melalui jasa perantara atau calo cek yang dapat mencairkan cek dalam waktu yang sangat cepat yaitu satu atau beberapa hari saja dengan biaya yang terjangkau. Yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk cairin cek dari luar negeri adalah cek yang sesuai nama kita di tanda pengenal seperti ktp, sim, kk dan paspor. Lalu jangan lupa kita harus punya account di bank tempat kita hendak mencairkan cek tersebut baik rekening yang sudah dibuka cukup lama atau rekening yang baru dibuka tergantung persyaratan masing-masing bank yang bersangkutan. Kemudian tanda pengenal seperti ktp, sim, kk dan paspor beserta fotokopinya jika diminta. Dan yang terakhir adalah bawa duit atau uang tunai / cash / kontan kalau bank minta dibayar di muka sebelum transaksi dilakukan.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa list / daftar bank yang berdasarkan pantauan penulis bisa mencairkan cek dari luar negri beserta syarat pencairannya dari banyak sumber :
1. Bank BCA
- punya rekening tahapan bca (jarang bisa) atau rekening giro
- umur rekening tidak dibatasi
- fee bank bca $10 - $30
- proses 1 bulan atau lebih
2. Bank Citibank
- punya rekening yang saldo buka rekening minimal puluhan juta
- proses pencairan cek bisa 2 minggu sampai 1 bulan
- fee sekitar $10
3. Bank BNI
- fee $10 sampai $20
- punya rekening di bni
4. Bank Niaga
- fee pencairan cek $5 saja (mungkin bisa ada potongan tambahan)
- proses bisa memakan waktu 3-5 minggu
- umur rekening tabungan kita harus di atas 6 bulan (ada juga yang bisa tanpa harus umur 6 bulan lebih)
5. Bank BII
- fee sekitar 300 ribu per transaksi cek
- proses 1 sampai 2 bulan
6. Bank Panin
- feenya cuma $10
- proses sekitar 3-4 minggu
- fee tambahan dari citibank $0.1
7. Bank Mandiri
- Fee per cek kurang lebih $24 atau 300 ribu
- punya rekening bank mandiri
8. Bank Lippo / Lippobank
- fee dari bank lippo sekitar 25ribu sampai 30 ribu
- fee di luar lippobank sekitar 200 ribuan
- proses kurang lebih 1 bulan
- umur rekening mungkin harus berusia 1 tahun
9. Bank NISP
- fee $5 atau 0.125% dari nominal cek
- proses sekitar 1 bulan
NB : Sebaiknya anda tanya-tanya dulu ke bank yang bersangkutan untuk mendapatkan kepastian.
Bagi anda yang tidak sabar ingin menapatkan uang anda dari cek, maka anda dapat menukarkan atau menyairkan check tersebut ke perantara atau calo cek di situs yang pasti dengan ada biaya atau fee ekstra yang mungkin lebih besar daripada biaya yang ditagih oleh bank pada anda. Kios cek dapat mencairkan uang anda yang ada dalam cek dalam yang sangat cepat yaitu dalam tempo satu atau dua hari saja tergantung situasi dan kondisi. Yang pasti bila cek yang dicairkan memiliki nominal yang besar maka akan lebih menguntungkan bila ditukarkan ke bank dibandingkan ke kioscek.
Kioscek bertempat di Bali dan memiliki npwp dan alamat yang aktif sebagai tempat bisnis. Selain bisnis calo cek kilat 1 hari, kioscek juga berbisnis e-gold changer atau tempat penukaran ecurrency egold dengan rupiah. Sebaiknya anda menggunakan rekening bank bca atau bni untuk menerima pembayaran dari kioscek agar lebih cepat proses pengiriman uangnya. Bagi anda yang berminat menukarkan cek anda dengan uang cash di rekening bank anda anda cukup melakukan langkah berikut ini :
1. Daftar account baru di
2. Isi data diri anda di account kioscek
3. Isi formulir pencairan cek jika mau nyairkan cek anda
4. Kirim cek yang sudah anda ditandatangani beserta surat kuasa dan fotokopi ktp 2 lembar
5. Konfirmasi pengiriman cek ke nomor telepon / hp kioscek
6. Setelah cek mereka terima dan valid, saldo bank anda akan bertambah dengan potongan fee sekitar kurang lebih 7-10%
Note Tambahan :
Mungkin anda akan menemukan bank yang nggak ngerti sama cek yang anda bawa bisa jadi orang bank sana pada emang tidak mengerti atau tidak mau ambil susah dan ambil pusing mencairkan cek anda. Mereka akan geleng-geleng kepala menolak mencairkan check yang anda bawa. Atau bisa juga policy atau persyaratan pencairan cek berbeda-beda dari satu cabang bank dengan cabang yang lainnya. Good luck for indonesian $ hunters.
Mencairkan Cek Google Adsense Di BRI Sleman
Dulu, sebelum bergabung sama google, saya pernah juga mencairkan cek di bank BII. Syaratnya cukup mudah, tinggal buat tabungan trus bisa langsung melakukan pencairan. Potongan cukup kecil yaitu $20. Tapi sekarang ada peraturan baru di BII yaitu harus punya rekening sekian lama dan juga ada minimal saldo rekening.
Sempat nanya juga di Muamalat kantor cabang Jogja, tapi ya belum bisa melayani pencairan cek luar negeri, mereka menyarankan untuk mencoba ke kantor pusat di Semarang… hiks, jauh amat….
Akhirnya… karena kesusahan mencari bank yang bisa buka rekening sekaligus mencairkan cek, terpaksa deh nyairin ke Mandiri dengan potongan selangit, yaitu sebesar US$55 dengan perincian $30 dibayar diawal (ndak tahu untuk apa), $15 potongan pencairan di Citibank USA dan $10 untuk profesi. Akhirnya bisa cair juga selama 37hari…
Baru pagi ini saya membuka rekening di BRI cabang Sleman, di jalan Magelang depan Polres Sleman. Sehari sebelumnya saya telpon ke BRI cabang Sleman nanyain bisa ndak mencairkan cek dari luar negeri, eh dijawab tidak bisa langsung saja saya sanggak kalo saya dapet info dari internet kalo pernah ada yang nyairin cek di BRI Sleman. Langsung deh di sambungin ke orang lain, terus ke orang lain lagi dan akhirnya fix dapat jawaban kalo bisa nyairin cek luar negeri di BRI.
Buka rekening BritAma BRI setoran awal 200 ribu. Rekening jadi, langsung nyairin cek dengan biaya awal 10ribu rupiah untuk ongkos kirim. Katanya sih tidak ada potongan, cuman mungkin ada potongan di Bank tempat cek dikeluarkan (CitiBank USA). Yak…Sekarang dalam posisi menunggu cek cair lagi… :D
Kena Banned??? Jangan Menyerah, Daftar Adsense Lagi Setelah Kena Banned/Suspend
Tapi sebelum kita mengumpat, mencaci maki Google atas otoritasnya, mungkin ada baiknya bagi kita untuk instropeksi diri. Pernahkah kita melakukan hal-hal yang dilarang oleh Google Adsense? Seperti meng-klik sendiri iklan adsense anda sendiri, misalnya? (meskipun anda pindah-pindah warnet untuk klik iklan adsense, percayalah adsense staf pasti akan mengetahuinya dan bersiaplah untuk kena banned. logikanya diinternet ada berjuta-juta IP dari berbagai region negara yang banyak pula, tapi ketika Adsense Staf mendapati yang mengklik adsense anda hanya dari regin indonesia saja, sudah pasti mereka akan curiga dan mem Banned anda). Atau anda pernah menyinggung perasaan orang lain yang mengakibatkan dia melakukan “click fraud” terhadap iklan adsense anda. Atau anda hanyalah korban seseorang yang sedang “iseng”.
Apapun faktanya, selalu saja ada kemungkinan bagi kita untuk terkena banned, yang bisa kita lakukan hanyalah mengurangi/menghindari kemungkinan-kemungkinan tersebut. Bagi anda yang masih berminat untuk menjadi publisher adsense walaupun pernah kena banned, beberapa tips berikut mungkin dapat membantu anda :
1. Pergunakan nama yang berbeda dengan nama yang telah kena banned, karena nama tersebut sudah masuk dalam daftar blacklist di Google dan tidak dapat dipergunakan legi. Anda bisa menggunakan nama saudara, pacar, istri/suami atau orang yang anda percayai. kenapa? Karena hal ini berkaitan untuk mempermudah anda untuk mendapatkan persyaratan pemindahan kuasa untuk pencairan cek nantinya. Seperti tanda tangan disurat kuasa, fotokopi identitas diri, dll.
2. Menggunakan email yang berbeda, gunakanlah email baru untuk mendaftar. Disarankan menggunakan Gmail agar dapat cepat diproses, karena Gmail adalah bagian dari Google Network.
3. Menggunakan website/blog yang berbeda untuk mendaftar. Karena web/blog yang sudah kena banned tidak bisa dipergunakan lagi. Anda bisa membuat dummy blog untuk mendaftar adsense lagi. Untuk membuat dummy blog, anda bisa melakukan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:
- mendaftar di Blogger/Blogspot
- Pilihlah tema/niche blog yang ramai dicari orang, seperti gadget, komputer, dll (ingat ini hanyalah untuk proses pendaftaran saja).
- Posting selama 3 hari dengan 3 post/artikel per harinya, gunakan bahasa inggris.
- Setelah ada minimal 10 post/artikel, barulah anda mendaftarkan diri ke adsense.
Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah tersebut diatas, anda berkemungkinan untuk dapat diterima kembali menjadi adsense publisher. Seandainya anda ditolak, lakukanlah langkah-langkah tersebut kembali dari awal dengan nama, email dan web/blog yang berbeda.
Dan ketika anda sudah diterima kembali menjadi adsense publisher, sebaiknya anda menjauhi semua hal-hal yang dilarang oleh google di dalam TOS nya. jangan pernah sekali-kali melakukan “click farud” terhadap adsense publisher lain atau iklan adsense anda sendiri, walaupun anda berpindah-pindah warnet untuk melakukan aksi anda, tetap saja jejak digital yang telah anda tinggalkan dapat membuat anda terkena banned kemabli. Melakukan “click fraud” merupakan salah satu tindakan abuse yang dilarang oleh Google.
Belajarlah untuk menjadi publisher yang baik, karena cara-cara ilegal hanya akan merugikan anda sendiri. Jadi buat apa curang kalau ngga ada hasilnya?
Menyelamatkan Keanggotaan Google Adsense dari Orang-orang yang Ingin Menyabotase
Saya tidak mengetahui dengan pasti siapa dalang dan pelaku sabotase tersebut, entah salah seorang yang benar-benar tidak suka dengan penghasilan Google Adsense yang tengah saya peroleh ketika itu, entah para advertiser pesaing saya yang tidak bersaing dengan sehat, entah pesaing yang memiliki website yang memiliki kesamaan bidang/niche dengan saya, yang jelas dia seorang yang tidak menghendaki keberadaan keanggotan Google Adsense Publisher saya ketika itu.
Hal ini terjadi setelah saya memperlihatkan perolehan Google Adsense saya ketika itu.
Penghasilan Google Adsense Gold_Hunter
klik untuk ukuran sebenarnya
Pentingnya Sebuah Kontrol
Untungnya kejadian tersebut menimpa saya, ketika saya sering memasuki keanggotaan Google Adsense saya untuk mengetahui, menganalisa dan memantau keadaan Google Adsense saya. Ketika itu saya benar-benar terkejut, melihat perbandingan banyaknya klik terhadap banyaknya satuan iklan(Ads Unit) muncul (CTR = Click Throught Ratio) yang menunjukkan angka 750% (sebuah persentase CTR yang mustahil diperoleh dengan cara wajar)
Seseorang mensabotase Google Adsense saya
klik untuk ukuran sebenarnya
Apa yang Harus Dilakukan ?
Ketika hal tersebut terjadi, saya sempat bertanya kepada diri saya sendiri, kepada beberapa teman-teman saya (Ghosthost, Redcumi, Rento, Cosa), kepada teman-teman di Forum Bisnis Kaskus dan Digital Point, dan Adsense Help dengan sebuah pertanyaan yang sama : Apa yang harus saya lakukan, ketika keanggotaan Google Adsense saya disabotase orang ?
Melaporkan kejadian ini kepada Google Adsense Support adalah jawaban yang saya dan teman-teman saya berikan ketika itu. Maka saya pun melakukan hal tersebut melalui kontak formnya Google Adsense Support yang telah tersedia, pada kategori : Invalid Clicks or Unusual Account Activity.
Sabotase Tetap Sabotase
Tidak cukup 1 hari rupanya dia melakukan sabotase terhadap keanggotaan saya, 4 hari berturut-turut sabotase terus berlanjut. CTR mulai dari 750% sampai puncaknya 2200% (Ruarrr biasa). Meskipun saya telah melaporkan sebanyak 2 kali/2 hari berturut-turut kejadian ini kepada pihak Google Adsense, ketika itu saya tetap mengkhawatirkan keselamatan keanggotaan Google Adsense saya. Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mencabut seluruh script Google Adsense dari seluruh website dan blog saya. Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’uun , dan memblok beberapa nomor IP yang saya curigai (berdasarkan log yang tercatat di awstat + adlogger). Hal ini saya lakukan sampai akhir bulan pada bulan sabotase terjadi.
Alhamdulillah, Keanggotaan Google Adsense saya selamat dan mudah-mudahan hal-hal seperti ini tidak terulang kembali bagi kita, dan tidak akan menimpa Anda yang tidak pernah mengalaminya.
Saya Kurang Mengerti
Tentunya kita semua mengetahui kecanggihan dan kehandalan Google Adsense. Terbukti dari kasus sabotase ini pun sistem Google Adsense telah mendeteksi bahwa klik-klik yang terjadi pada iklan tersebut adalah tidak sah, invalid click, sabotase sehingga sistem tidak menambahkan pendapatan, membayar keanggotaan Google Adsense saya untuk setiap iklan-iklan yang di klik secara tidak sah tersebut, lalu kenapa sistem tidak dirancang agar tidak memperlihatkan iklan setelah klik-klik tidak sah tersebut terdeteksi sistem ?
Apa yang harus dilakukan jika keanggotaan Google Adsense kita disabotase ?
1. Laporkan kepada Google Adsense, melalui kontak form Google Adsense Support (sertakan bukti-bukti yang dimiliki, termasuk log dari awstat dan log-log lainnya)
2. Cabut kode-kode/script Google Adsense dari seluruh website dan blog, sampai keadaan (kira-kira) aman.
3. Blok IP yang mencurigakan/berpotensi melakukan sabotase
4. Berdoa
Usahakan untuk mengontrol keanggotaan Google Adsense Anda setiap hari.